HUSNAAAAAA....banguuun pukoi 5.30 dah ni...
ceh..mak ingat owang tak reti tengok jam ke..baRu koi 5 suku
dari tilam di tengah rumah aku bangkit ke katil bilikku
haiih, bangun lekass, satgi tak dan nk bersiap..ppa pon tak dapat
kali ni dia bukak lampu pulak
emmmhhhlkkdjlh sambil bergolek-golek
dgn mata terpejam aku bangun ke bilik utama menyambung tidur yg sudah tak asyik lagi
penangan terakhir ibuku akhirnya membuatkan aku terus ke bilik air dan bedeburrr...
pada waktu ini umurku 22tahun11bulan4hari, bangun bukan lagi utk ke sekolah tapi untuk first time job interview.
sesi interview ok, cuma aku yg agak kekok dgn bahasa, kejap english jap BM mujo aku tak belajar mandarin dulu.
episod 1 - Accommodation
masuk2 soalan tu yg dia tanya, cam konpom je nk gajikan aku.
"u have relatives or friend living here? or else where did u wanna live?"
i have friends who have already worked here, and they're 3 of 'em.
oohh, i see, then u can discuss with them to rent a apartment nearby. because here got hostel but i afraid that you're not comfortable. so...
yes, i'll come n see my friend and ask her about this. i'm just okay to live in hostel as they said that u just cut 70 from our payment, so i guess its affordable. maybe later, we can decide whether to stay or move out.
episod 2 - interest
so, which field the u interest to work in?
i would like to work in OT.
owhh, OT ah, that's very nice. Why?
oh, in HUSM during my practical there, i've found that OT was very interesting and i would like to involve there. i heard that not much nursing research in that area, so i think i want to further do some research there..(wlek, ayat spontan yg terblah bile ku ingat balik..i mean.....boleh pecaye ke aku ske wat research)
so in OT, what u do?
umh, actually i've been exposed to be scrub nurse, safety and ..
do u involve in recovery?
ah yess, recovery, we assess hemodynamic states, wound.
so u also did this during ur attachment?
ah yes.
(masuk bab OT ni, byk aku termati kata, takde idea nk nipu pon, so senyap je, cuma kekadang aku poyo2 terer speaking, aku mencelah sikit2)
episod 3 - matron interview
yg interview aku 2 org je, n diorang setuju nk panggil matron OT utk interview aku time tu jugak sbb diorang tanak aku penat nt ulang-alik kamunting-penang semata-mata benda yg kecik, tapi, matron tgh jd scrub nurse, so she can't come. (peace-peace, no war)
in case, other than OT in what field u interested in?
(aku dah prepare dah nk jwb soklan ni) oh, maybe antenatal clinic or ward.
oh u mean OnG, obstetric an gynae..owh u're not interested in surgical?
hum, i prefer OnG.
why u prefer OnG rather than surgical?
hhh...because i think we as female we have to master ourselves, so that's why.
your friend before have said that they have been do project or something, so what did u do there?
ah? u mean...?? health teaching ah?? waht u do?
em, i do breathing teknik during labor and how to relieve pain during push to deliver and combine with my friends, we teach perineal care. (yg pertama n kedua tu fakta, tp yg ketiga tu auta sket pasal terkaget)
oooo...(mereka angguk2)
episod 4 - medical chekup
so husna, would u like to undergo some medical chekup today or u want to come another day for medical chekup here?
i prefer today.
so after this, Lin will take u for medical checkup... blablabalbnablabla
episod 4 - unexpected salary
so, this is your salary, plus, food, COLA, hostel, your dgree total all rm1521. we give u 18 days leave and 4 days to study...bla bla blalajjljlkfjldhfiyau4wyrfjgytr75te7rtuiej
u sign here, here and here
then go medical checkup then after pass the receipt to cashier can go home..OK
penutup utk hari ini
ok n ok, setelah jumpe elisa and selesai segalenye..aku pon bertolak pulang dalam jam 3.30pm, smpai umah kol 6ptg.
ceh..mak ingat owang tak reti tengok jam ke..baRu koi 5 suku
dari tilam di tengah rumah aku bangkit ke katil bilikku
haiih, bangun lekass, satgi tak dan nk bersiap..ppa pon tak dapat
kali ni dia bukak lampu pulak
emmmhhhlkkdjlh sambil bergolek-golek
dgn mata terpejam aku bangun ke bilik utama menyambung tidur yg sudah tak asyik lagi
penangan terakhir ibuku akhirnya membuatkan aku terus ke bilik air dan bedeburrr...
pada waktu ini umurku 22tahun11bulan4hari, bangun bukan lagi utk ke sekolah tapi untuk first time job interview.
sesi interview ok, cuma aku yg agak kekok dgn bahasa, kejap english jap BM mujo aku tak belajar mandarin dulu.
episod 1 - Accommodation
masuk2 soalan tu yg dia tanya, cam konpom je nk gajikan aku.
"u have relatives or friend living here? or else where did u wanna live?"
i have friends who have already worked here, and they're 3 of 'em.
oohh, i see, then u can discuss with them to rent a apartment nearby. because here got hostel but i afraid that you're not comfortable. so...
yes, i'll come n see my friend and ask her about this. i'm just okay to live in hostel as they said that u just cut 70 from our payment, so i guess its affordable. maybe later, we can decide whether to stay or move out.
episod 2 - interest
so, which field the u interest to work in?
i would like to work in OT.
owhh, OT ah, that's very nice. Why?
oh, in HUSM during my practical there, i've found that OT was very interesting and i would like to involve there. i heard that not much nursing research in that area, so i think i want to further do some research there..(wlek, ayat spontan yg terblah bile ku ingat balik..i mean.....boleh pecaye ke aku ske wat research)
so in OT, what u do?
umh, actually i've been exposed to be scrub nurse, safety and ..
do u involve in recovery?
ah yess, recovery, we assess hemodynamic states, wound.
so u also did this during ur attachment?
ah yes.
(masuk bab OT ni, byk aku termati kata, takde idea nk nipu pon, so senyap je, cuma kekadang aku poyo2 terer speaking, aku mencelah sikit2)
episod 3 - matron interview
yg interview aku 2 org je, n diorang setuju nk panggil matron OT utk interview aku time tu jugak sbb diorang tanak aku penat nt ulang-alik kamunting-penang semata-mata benda yg kecik, tapi, matron tgh jd scrub nurse, so she can't come. (peace-peace, no war)
in case, other than OT in what field u interested in?
(aku dah prepare dah nk jwb soklan ni) oh, maybe antenatal clinic or ward.
oh u mean OnG, obstetric an gynae..owh u're not interested in surgical?
hum, i prefer OnG.
why u prefer OnG rather than surgical?
hhh...because i think we as female we have to master ourselves, so that's why.
your friend before have said that they have been do project or something, so what did u do there?
ah? u mean...?? health teaching ah?? waht u do?
em, i do breathing teknik during labor and how to relieve pain during push to deliver and combine with my friends, we teach perineal care. (yg pertama n kedua tu fakta, tp yg ketiga tu auta sket pasal terkaget)
oooo...(mereka angguk2)
episod 4 - medical chekup
so husna, would u like to undergo some medical chekup today or u want to come another day for medical chekup here?
i prefer today.
so after this, Lin will take u for medical checkup... blablabalbnablabla
episod 4 - unexpected salary
so, this is your salary, plus, food, COLA, hostel, your dgree total all rm1521. we give u 18 days leave and 4 days to study...bla bla blalajjljlkfjldhfiyau4wyrfjgytr75te7rtuiej
u sign here, here and here
then go medical checkup then after pass the receipt to cashier can go home..OK
in case if u turn down this job after u undergone ur medical chekup, then u have to pay rm200, sign here if u agree and we will proceed.but today is free.haiszz, bab duit ni yang terngiang di kpla..insyaAllah, andai aku ditakdirkan di cini, i'll not turn down..
penutup utk hari ini
ok n ok, setelah jumpe elisa and selesai segalenye..aku pon bertolak pulang dalam jam 3.30pm, smpai umah kol 6ptg.
i like..pndai btoi mengayat yerr..congratz..hehe
BalasPadamteringat zmn2 intvw dulu..
emh..rindu nk tulis karangn-tak-bermarkah gini, tp aku tadak masa..aku dah kerja